Q1. How can I order online and ship through alibaba?
First step: Choose the size you want:
S size: https://wholesaler.waimaotong.com/product-detail/S-size-free-shipping-animal-kids_60542762164.html
M size: https://wholesaler.waimaotong.com/product-detail/Promotion-M-size-coin-battery-operated_60529619893.html
L size: https://wholesaler.waimaotong.com/product-detail/Promotion-CE-factory-zoo-animal-scooter_60528538724.html
Second step: Fill in the quantity you need, leave mesaage to provide your contact information(email, contact number, shipping destination)
Third step: Make the order on alibaba, we will preapre the products once alibaba received your payment.
Q2. MOQ Must be 10units?
No, if you need less than 10 units, send message to me, I will help you about the price and shipping
Q3. Whether it contains the coin device?
No, if you need the coin device, just add 35USD to each product.
Q4. Do you send tokens?
Yes, will send 30 tokens to each coin device.
Q5. Can I choose the animals I like? How many styles you have?
Of course, we have over 100 colors. You can choose the designs after you make the order. If you need to check the designs first, send me message below.
Q6. Can I use my own forwarder to transport the products for me?
Yes, you can. You just tell us your forwarder company contact information.
Q7. Shipping cost of plush animal electric scooter ?
For free if you buy 10pcs. For more or less quantity, feel free to contact me to check shipping.
Q8. How to pay?
You can pay here on line, alibaba will keep your payment safe, and once your payment received by alibaba, we will be informed to prepare the products for you at once.